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A Detailed Guide to Know about the Haryana Minimum Wages

In this blog, you will find the details about the minimum wages in Haryana. Moreover, we have also covered the wages by education qualification and profession along with skill level. The blog also highlights the gross salaries for all the categories and explains the important components of gross salaries. 

Minimum Wages in Haryana

In Haryana, the government has clarified the minimum wages for multiple categories of workers. Unlike many other governments, the Haryana government’s notification includes many more categories. As per the government rules, an employer must adhere to these figures for the salaries of the employees. In this blog, you’ll learn not only about Haryana’s minimum wages but also gross salaries. So, let’s get straight into it. 

Which Act Governs Minimum Wages in Haryana?

Haryana opted for the Minimum Wages Act of 1948. As per the act, the Haryana government releases the updated labor and employee rates for each year. 

The Haryana minimum wages for 2024 are as follows:

  • For unskilled workers, the minimum wage is ₹7600 per month. 
  • A group – A semi-skilled worker in Haryana must be given a salary of ₹7980.
  • A group-b – B semi-skilled worker in Haryana must be given a salary of ₹8379. 
  • A skilled worker in Haryana who lies in group – A should receive a monthly salary of ₹8797. 
  • A skilled worker in Haryana who lies in group – B should receive a monthly salary of ₹9237. 
  • For a highly skilled employee, the employer must disburse a salary of ₹9699. 

The minimum wages in Haryana by education qualification and profession are:

  • Below Matriculate: ₹7980
  • Matriculate Undergraduate: ₹8379
  • Graduate or Above: ₹8797
  • Stenotypist: ₹8379
  • Junior Scale Stenographer: ₹8797
  • Senior Scale Stenographer: ₹9237
  • Personal Assistant: ₹9699
  • Private Secretary: ₹10184

Other professions:

  • Data Entry Operator: ₹8797
  • Lightweight Vehicle Driver: ₹9237
  • Heavyweight Vehicle Driver: ₹9699
  • Security Guard without Weapon: ₹7980
  • Security Guard With Weapon: ₹9287

For detailed Haryana minimum wages in 2024 and their respective DA, refer to the tables given below. 

Unskilled Workers

Here are the basic salary with DA and gross salaries for unskilled workers. 

Component Amount
Basic Pay 7,600
Variable Dearness Allowance 262


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 7,600
Dearness Allowance Variable 262
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 3800
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 13,262


Semi-skilled Workers – A

Here are the basic salaries with DA and gross salaries for the semi-skilled group – A workers. 


Minimum Wages Amount
Basic Pay 7,980
Variable Dearness Allowance 276


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 7,980
Dearness Allowance Variable 276
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 3,990.00
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 13,846


Semi-skilled Workers – B

Here are the basic salaries with DA and gross salaries for semi-skilled group – B workers.


Minimum Wages Amount
Basic Pay 8,379
Variable Dearness Allowance 289


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 8,379
Dearness Allowance Variable 289
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 4189.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 14,458

Skilled Workers – A

Here are the basic salary with DA and gross salaries for skilled group – A workers.


Minimum Wages Amount
Basic Pay 8,797
Variable Dearness Allowance 304


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 8,797
Dearness Allowance Variable 304
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 4398.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 15,100

Skilled Workers – B

Here are the basic salaries with DA and gross salaries for skilled group – B workers.


Minimum Wages Amount
Basic Pay 9,237
Variable Dearness Allowance 329


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 9,237
Dearness Allowance Variable 329
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 4618.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 15,785


Highly- Skilled Workers 

Here are the basic salary with DA and gross salaries for highly skilled workers.


Minimum Wages Amount
Basic Pay 9,699
Variable Dearness Allowance 335


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 9,699
Dearness Allowance Variable 335
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 4849.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 16,484


Minimum wages by Education Qualification and Specific Professions

Here are the basic salaries with DA and gross salaries based on education qualifications and specific professions.


Minimum Wages Below Matriculation Matriculate, Ungraduate Graduate or Above Stenotypist Junior Scale Stenographer Senior Scale Stenographer Personal Assistant Private Secratary
Basic Pay 7,980 8,379 8,797 8,379 8,797 9,237 9,699 10,184
Variable Dearness Allowance 276 289 304 289 304 329 335 352


Component Calculation Below Matriculation Matriculate, Ungraduate Graduate or Above Stenotypist Junior Scale Stenographer Senior Scale Stenographer Personal Assistant Private Secratary
Basic Pay Fixed 7,980 8,379 8,797 8,379 8,797 9,237 9,699 10,184
Dearness Allowance Variable 276 289 304 289 304 329 335 352
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 3990 4189.5 4398.5 4189.5 4398.5 4618.5 4849.5 5092
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 13,846 14,458 15,100 14,458 15,100 15,785 16,484 17,228

Other Profession

Here are the basic salary with DA and gross salaries for other professions.

  • Data Entry Operator
Minimum Wages Amount
Basic Pay 8,797
Variable Dearness Allowance 304


Component Calculation Amount
Basic Pay Fixed 8,797
Dearness Allowance Variable 304
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 4398.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 15,100


  • Driver
Minimum Wages Light Weight Vehichle Heavy Weight Vehichle
Basic Pay 9,237 9,699
Variable Dearness Allowance 329 335


Component Calculation Light Weight Vehichle Heavy Weight Vehichle
Basic Pay Fixed 9,237 9,699
Dearness Allowance Variable 329 335
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 4618.5 4849.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 15,785 16,484


  • Security Guard
Minimum Wages Without Weapon With Weapon
Basic Pay 7,980 9,287
Variable Dearness Allowance 276 329


Component Calculation With Weapon Without Weapon
Basic Pay Fixed 7,980 9,287
Dearness Allowance Variable 276 329
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 50% of Basic Pay 3990 4643.5
Conveyance Allowance Fixed at ₹1,600 per month 1,600 1,600
Gross Salary Basic Pay + HRA + Conveyance 13,846 15,860


What are the Components of Gross Salary in Haryana?

In addition to minimum wages and Dearness Allowance (DA), there are other components that make up an employee’s salary. When we add key allowances to the minimum wages and DA, we get the gross salary. Below are the main components of gross salary in Haryana:

1) Basic Pay

Basic pay is one of the key components of gross salary. It is important to ensure that this amount meets the minimum wage standards in Haryana. The basic pay remains the same across all areas of the state.

2) Dearness Allowance (DA)

The Haryana government provides a minimum DA to help employees cope with inflation. DA is added to the basic salary and may vary based on factors like location and position, as the government offers Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA).

3) House Rent Allowance (HRA)

HRA stands for House Rest Allowance, which is given to employees.to pay their home rent if they live in a rented property. It can also differ based on similar factors. We have calculated it as 50% of the basic pay. 

4) Conveyance Allowance 

This allowance helps cover the cost of commuting to and from work. For Haryana, we assume the conveyance allowance to be ₹1600 per month.

Wrapping Up

To wrap up, the above minimum wages for Haryana are mandatory to be given to the employees working in Haryana. With the above given gross salaries are a reference to calculate the expected salaries from employers for various job roles. However, the gross salary can differ, as can the net salary, which is calculated with other allowances and deductibles. For instance, the minimum wage in Gurgaon is the same as all over Haryana, but the net salary can be more than in other areas as the city is more expensive than others.